Roller Shutters

With both directionable or spaceable brise soleil slats, discover all the Kikau roller shutters to find the most suitable system for your home.

Roller shutter with directionable slats

Roller brise soleil


Flat roller brise soleil

Louvered & Solid Shutters
Explore the Kikau louvered and solid shutters by collection or by characteristics and find the shade system most suited to your home.
  • Collections
  • Characteristics


Discover our wide range of finishes, all with a 10-year warranty, to customise your home’s design.
We have been a family-run company since 1984, led by a deep sense of professional ethics and a forward-thinking entrepreneurial spirit that drives us to conquer new sectors and specialisations.




sustainability project

Kikau reduces the impact of its production on the environment by choosing solely non-toxic and recyclable materials, and mostly using green energy.

Our commitment to sustainability is interpreted in several daily choices

We use solely non-toxic paints, we recycle the production cycle water, we use electricity produced by our photovoltaic installations. Our products are fully recyclable and we take care of the people and area we work in.

Photovoltaic systems

Green energy

coverage of the company’s
energy needs
0 %

Using clean energy sources to lower CO2 emissions from our production, guaranteeing low environmental impact products and services for our customers.

We are an all-round sustainable group

Non-toxic painting

Safety for everyone
Our aluminium painting system uses only 100% non-toxic polyester powder paints. The anode oxidation pre-treatment is chromium free and is the same process used for aluminium in the food industry. Anode oxidation guarantees the best protection for aluminium against filiform corrosion.

Recycling water

Zero harmful emissions
Kikau production plants do not produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, waste water is purified and reused, the amount of special waste produced is minimal or marginal.

Recyclable materials

Recyclable components and packaging
At the end of their shelf life, all Kikau products can be dismantled into various parts and sent for recycling. We also choose fully recyclable packaging or that our dealers can use again for transportation.



2030 Agenda

An all-round commitment
Aligned with the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals, we undertake to including 6 of these goals into Kikau corporate and group growth strategy to achieve a better, more sustainable future for everyone.

e benessere

Vite sane e benessere
per tutti a tutte le età.

Acqua pulita e servizi igienico-sanitari

Accesso all'acqua potabile e ai servizi igienico-sanitari.

Energia pulita e accessibile

Energia accessibile, affidabile e sostenibile.

Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

Promuovere la crescita economica e un lavoro dignitoso per tutti.

Città e comunità sostenibili

Rendere le città e gli insediamenti inclusivi, sicuri, resilienti e sostenibili.

Consumo e produzione responsabili

Garantire modelli di consumo e produzione sostenibili.

Industria, innovazione e infrastrutture

Costruire infrastrutture resilienti, promuovere l'industrializzazione inclusiva e sostenibile e favorire l'innovazione.

Raggiungere l’uguaglianza di genere

La parità di genere non è solo un diritto umano fondamentale, ma una base necessaria per un mondo pacifico, prospero e sostenibile.

sostenibilità Kikau
Health and wellbeing
To foster health and wellbeing for all employees and communities.
sostenibilità Kikau
Clean water and sanitation
To improve the quality of water by reducing pollution, halving untreated waste water and increasing recycling and safe reuse.
sostenibilità Kikau
Sustainable energy
To considerably increase the share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix.
sostenibilità Kikau
Decent work and economic growth
To protect working rights and to foster a safe, protected working environment for all workers.
sostenibilità Kikau
Sustainable cities and communities
To make cities and communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
sostenibilità Kikau
Responsible consumption and production
To reduce the release of chemical substances and waste into air, water and soil, to minimise their negative effects on human health and the environment.
sostenibilità Kikau
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
To build resilient infrastructure, to foster inclusive, sustainable industrialisation and to favour innovation.
sostenibilità Kikau
Gender equality
Gender equality is not just a fundamental human right, but a necessary basis for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.